Arriving from another era, characters appear from everywhere. Strapped to their backs, they carry everything they need - furniture, crockery and Petite Vieille included - to create a small Victorian tearoom. What follows is a choreography of everyday life, assembling the table, placing the chairs, dishes and tablecloths. Plates and cups fly through the air, juggling and swirling, always neat and tidy. Then it's time for tea!
Suspense. Things take flight.
The space becomes floating, nostalgic, poetic... time stretches. The little old lady transforms into a young woman, the withered rose comes back to life. The objects manipulated by others give the impression that someone is there with her, perhaps her first love. When, at the end of the memory, the inevitable happens again - zap! -- everything unravels. Back to square one. It's all over.
In seconds, it's packed up and vanishes from sight.